Tumbling Shoals Baptist Church
Friday, April 26, 2024
The 20th Annual Expository Preaching Conference
Thursday - Saturday, April 20-22, 2017
What an exciting time! TSBC in partnership with Line Upon Line Ministries, and
International Church Planters will host
Fifty-one preachers, many accompanied by their wives, for our annual conference.
The conference will begin Thursday evening
with a candelight dinner.
  Then over the course of the next two days,
Dr. Hershael York, Preaching Professor at Southern Seminary
and David Miller, President of Line Upon Line Ministries, 
will give instruction in the "nuts and bolts" of expository preaching. 
On Friday evening, members of TSBC will host participants
for dinner - either in their home or at a local restaurant -
then all will gather back at the church
for a time of exalting our Lord. 
Final instruction will be given Saturday morning. 
Ryan Bush President of International Church Planters, will share the story of ICP
and let the pastors know of the exciting opportunities in international missions.
The conference will end with lunch at noon on Saturday.